Prezentar is a brand new software that allows you to create amazing presentations and videos easier and faster than old fashioned tools like PowerPoint or Camtasia Studio with minimal effort!
If you’re creating webinars, YouTube videos, video sales letters (VSLs) or even free content for your audience, you already know how time consuming and expensive the whole process can be. You also know that without this content, you’re not going to get the attention and sales your business needs to stay above water. That’s why I’m always on the lookout for new tools that can automate as much of the hard work as possible… especially the design and creative stuff which I’m not great with (and I don’t want to outsource because it costs so much money). Recently, I discovered a brand new tool called Prezentar that promises to remove a lot of the hard work and costs of creating videos, webinars, online video courses and other “presentation based” content.
To understand the value of Prezentar, they should look at the problem with other video tools. Most are too expensive (many software companies are moving to the monthly or yearly subscription model, which can add up to thousands of dollars for a tool that should cost less than $100). Then there’s the steep learning curves. Even your bog-standard tools like PowerPoint require quite a lot of mastering before you can create truly attention—grabbing, professional level presentations that people will actually watch to the end.