Grow Your List (smarter/easier than ALL other current methods): Give your prospects the option to preview your content then seamlessly introduce a Lead Gate to connect these now targeted and engaged prospects to your favorite autoresponder service. Enabling them to keep reading and (optionally) download your content after they’ve subscribed to your mailing list. Works with all popular autoresponders.
Boost Your Sales (up to 272% / based on scientific research): Give visitors the opportunity to preview paid content then automatically transition them into buyers using the built in Pay Gate. It’s super simple to set up, works everywhere and EVERYTHING is fully automated including ‘thank you’ emails sent to customers and additional post-sale triggered automations.
Secure private content using password protection: Deliver proposals, quotes, invoices, catalogs, price lists and more to your clients, partners / affiliates, team members or customers. You can also use password protected campaigns to reward your subscribers, members or social followers with private content that builds value & community. (It’s also a simple and effective way to deliver affiliate bonuses to buyers)
Boost Readership with ungated access to your free content: With FlipGuardian you’ll be providing the ultimate experience for readers: Ad-free hosted pages, beautiful animated page turns, automatic page-resizing, zoomable pages, full screen mode, live links, thumbnail tab navigation, auto-play page turns, sounds on or off toggle, one-click sharing (for your public content) and much more…
Is There A Limit To How Many PDFs I Can Upload? YES. They class each uploaded PDF as a new campaign and each account comes with 25 active campaign slots. If you need more slots, they offer Campaign Expansion Pack that add 100 additional campaign slots into your account – You can purchase as many of these packs as you require. NOTE: If you delete an existing live campaign the slot is re-opened and a new PDF/Campaign can be created in it’s place.
Do I Own My Own Content? Yes, You own the content you upload. They will never use, share your content and user data.