ContentX is a New Cloud App Creates Fresh Content For Your Sites or Client Sites…Content That Produces Page 1 Rankings & Articles That You Can Sell For 1000s of Dollars!
I think we all know the power of page 1 ranking, right? If you can get your content to show up on page 1 of a search on one of the major search engines, you’ve literally cracked it! When was the last time you clicked on from page 1 to page 2? Hardly anyone does. Which is why page 1 is the holy grail, and something people are willing to spend a lot of time and money trying to achieve. And one of the major factors influencing these powerful rankings is content. Fresh, unique content. But the fact is, creating content can be laborious if we do it ourselves, and very expensive if we outsource it!
So imagine what you could do if you had CONTENTX! YOU could be the one charging others, and also have a constant stream of fresh content for yourself. Content Costs Money! Make $100 For ONE Article? Content Costs Money! Make $250 For an eBook? Content for Ranking Costs Money! Make as Much as $620 Per Order? It’s going to be virtually impossible to run out of content once you get your hands on ContentX. Grab any Youtube URL, add into the ContentX app and turn the video into a fresh TEXT content for your site or your customers. Yes, with ContentX you can turn any video into unique blog posts, articles, even ebooks!